JP3/Logo Page
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These are pictures of JP3 and my logo

Spinoboy11's Logo

My gecko, Milton

Milton "smiling"

Rex Chasing Grant

Rex Approaches

Rex Grabs Ahold of Spino

Rex and Spino Struggling

Spino Breaks Away from Rex

Spino and Rex Snarling and Roaring

Spino and Rex Biting Each Other

Spino Grips Rex

Rex Struggles

The Rex is killed by the divistating "Twist of Fate"

Grant Rans Away in Terror

Spino lets go of the dead Rex's neck as it almosts fall on Grant

Amanda, Billy, and Grant run away has the Spinosaur pounces on its kill

A Victory Roar

The broken eggs of the lab

The infamous trick of the velociraptor

The raptor pushes the door has Amanda and Billy are stuck

The raptor calls for help has Billy and Amanda push the door back, trapping it

Billy, Grant, Udesky, Amanda, and Paul run through a field, causing a stampede

Udesky freezes in terror has he appoaches a velociraptor

Udesky screams has he is stabbed in the back by the raptor immediately after it slashed Udesky's legs

The raptors communicate to set a trap to get Grant

Going to get Grant, a raptor stops to kill Udesky by snapping his neck

Survivor/Allosaurus Logo

The spinosaur stares down at Grant and Eric

Iceteria Logo

Carnivores Logo